Thursday, June 24, 2010

How to Love Your Dog

1. Give your dog plenty of exercise. When your dog needs to go out, take him or her out. You will know he needs to because he will give you pleading looks, stand by the door, bark, etc. There may be whining, scraping and barking accompanying the need for exercise outdoors as well.

2. Pet him. If he puts his head in your lap, scratch behind his ears. Dogs just want to be loved. They love neck and tummy scratches and a dog massage is one of the best ways to show your affection for your dog.

3. Hug your dog, too. Most dogs, especially the small to medium ones, take this as a sign of affection. You can do this while you pet your dog.

4. Reward your dog. Many dogs, and Goldens and Shelties in particular, exist to please their owners, and they will do it. You have to reward them. Give them treats that are healthy and made specially for dogs. You don't have to buy the treats, you can make excellent ones yourself at home.

5. Talk to your dog. Dogs love it when you talk to them. You will develop your own language together and share intimate moments. And no dog will ever tell you to stop going on about a bad day at the office!

6. Spend quality time with your dog. Your dog loves attention. Set aside time every day to spend just with your dog. Even if it's just lying in front of the TV together, stroking your dog's ears and resting together.

7. Prioritize yourself to your dog. Set regular and consistent times to feed your dog and take him or her for walks. Your dog will love you for it because it's doing him or her a world of good for their well-being. Doing things for your dog at the same time every day will let it know what to expect at that time.

8. Cherish your dog. Always respect your dog and the love that your dog has brought into the house. Be kind, caring and considerate in the way that you treat your dog. Your dog is a family member.

and lastly

9.Give your dog a comfortable place of its own. Your dog's sleeping area should be its alone, not to be shared with piles of washing or storage boxes. Make sure it is out of the way of people who walk through and other annoyances.

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